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Zoe Lee: Fashionable Mom and Content Creator

By: Joe Gagliese | 4 mins read |

Zoe is a young fashion-focused creator and mother who loves to showcase her family, outfits and their day-to-day life across her content. Zoe is a recent mother of two and loves showing off her family and their creative matching outfits.

Who are you? What’s your preferred platform & content vertical?

My name is Zoe Lee, a content creator, mother of 2, a fashion stylist and a nurse. I have been creating fashion related content for a while, and in the past couple of years, our family matching tiktok content has been the main channel which gained some followers. I also post on Youtube, which is on pause right now but will continue with family vlogs, hauls, ect. I also post fashion related content on Instagram.

How did you get introduced into the content creator space?

I always wanted to create content, but after graduating college, I had the courage to finally start making videos and post on Youtube. I am trying all kinds of different types of platforms at this time, and Tiktok was one of them!

What do you wish you knew when starting as a content creator?

That I should’ve tried all kinds of different types of topics/niche so I know what my audience wanted more, instead of being too careful of what I post. For example, even though I can speak fluent Korean, I was afraid to have mainly Korean subscribers on my Youtube channel so I only posted in English. I had some Korean followers because they loved my USA living vlogs, I was stubborn and did not continue more with that content. That was around 2015, when Korean Youtube channels were starting to get more popular.

What advice would you give your younger self or someone thinking of becoming a content creator?

Don’t be shy, try everything you want. Don’t let what others think control your ideas and identity.

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All About Family

How do you balance content creation and being a full-time mother of two?

Our first one is 5 years old, and goes to school so that helps taking care of the baby during the day. Also, my husband is a logical man who knows how to take care of the baby, and not “helping” with kids but raising kids “together”, and never taking things for granted. He always questions why he is always praised for doing the normal things to do as a parent like knowing how to put a baby in the stroller properly, or going to kids’ health check ups. Working as a team as parents for our kids, I am able to create content, be a mom, and also work as a nurse.

How has becoming a mother impacted your creative content?

When I started Youtube, I wanted to commit more time into making videos. But after a year of making content, I got pregnant and I was very sick during pregnancy and after, it was hard making content. However, as I became more used to balancing out time, sending our first one to school, I started getting back to content creating. Now that we have another baby, I am back to having less time to make things, but since now I know what to expect as a mom to a newborn baby, I have been still able to post content regularly.

Do you plan on documenting your children’s adolescent years as well?

I want to, but if my kids verbalize that they don’t want to, I won’t be doing it anymore.

Would you want to see your children become influencers?

If it is their choice, I won’t stop them.

What does it mean to be a part of the AAPI community?

I was not raised in the US, so I did not know how it is not being represented in the media, or what it meant to be living as a minority before. As the time I spent in the US became longer, I realized the importance of representing and having a voice as being part of AAPI.


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Brand Campaigns

What campaigns have you been a part of?

I have been part of Amazon, Paws of Fury movie promotion, Disney, Puss n Boots, Tilly’s, so on.

What was your favourite one or most viral piece of content? Why?

I love all of our viral top three family matching outfit Tiktoks, but my favorite is the one where Joon says Hi in Korean directly to the camera. It’s the cutest moment that is captured in the tiktok!.

Dream collaborations – what would be your dream brand(s) to work with? Why?

I would love to work with more fashion brands since I love fashion, and dressing up as a family is always so much fun, a passion of mine. I would also want a brand deal with a car brand, I am thinking of Hyundai since we enjoy our Hyundai car a lot!

Are there any brands you’d like to see your family styled in?

It is definitely a dream, but I would love to be part of luxury brands’ social media campaigns as a family! It would be fun to be part of Zara, where they not only have adult clothes but also cute baby/children’s clothes.

How do you find new ways to maximize items in your wardrobe?

I always look at different ways, non-typical ways to style certain clothing. Also, I take every chance to style a basic item, like a classic pair of denim jeans, or white t-shirt. I never pair an outfit the same every time, even if I am using the same items over and over again.

What do you love the most about what you do?

I love that I can spend time with my family, have fun wearing fun outfits together and at the same time create content, entertain our followers! I am also grateful that I am able to stay at home with my newborn baby at this time, and still be able to create some content.

What content / personal challenges have you come across and how have you overcome them?

I always dealt with having insecurities, comparing myself with other influencers, or being too self-critical all the time. Over time, I started to change how I think, and be more grateful about the things I have accomplished or done, or even simple things like having to enjoy being with my family.


Follow Zoe Lee on Instagram and TikTok for more great content.

Stay tuned for our upcoming Viral Nation Talent Spotlights!