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Talent Spotlight – Kara Roselle

By: Viral Nation | 4 mins read |
  We sat down with Kara Roselle for our Talent Spotlight of the month! Kara is an Afro-Indigenous creator and model based in New York City. She uses her platform to normalize the process of unlearning and seeking justice for her tribe, the Chappaquiddick Wampanoag. As one of the chiefs of the tribe, Kara’s mother instilled in her a strong sense of social justice that has led her to create resources, including writing her first book, that have reached hundreds of thousands. Most recently, Kara was hand picked by Lizzo to join her on stage at the People’s Choice Awards to accept the People’s Champion Award in recognition of the work that she does in service of her tribe. Who are you? What’s your preferred platform & content vertical?  I am a multi dimensional human and creative currently living in New York City. I am active on both Instagram and Tiktok but am making a lot of space recently for writing offline.   How did you get introduced into the content creator space? I’ve had a phone since I was eight and an Instagram account since I was in highschool, so I’ve always been privy to the internet and social media. But more recently, I was made aware that I have a gift for communicating information and making things digestible and decided to work on honing that, often creating videos and sharing information about my Tribe and other things and causes I’m passionate about.  What do you wish you knew when starting as a content creator? I wish I knew how to better balance my time, but because I had a time when I didn’t do that so well it allowed me to learn what works for me now.  What advice would you give your younger self or someone thinking of becoming a content creator? It’s cliché, and true, but create what you’re passionate about. Not for money. Not for views. But what you find fulfilling and actually care about.  Activism  Tell us more about the work you do for Chappaquiddick Wampanoag. I currently sit on the Tribal Council for my Tribe and have done work for the past 3 grants we were grateful to receive via the HRiA. I also help to manage my Tribe’s social media presence and with the help of family members created a GoFundMe campaign last year that met its goal and raised over $100,000 towards Tribe operations and our ultimate goal of getting Land Back.  We saw you join Lizzo on stage at the People’s Choice Awards to accept the People’s Champion Award in recognition of the work you do in service of Chappaquiddick Wampanoag. What does this award mean to you? I think that moment was a true testament to Lizzo’s character and care and shows that there is space for everyone and every cause. It’s important to see that we can uplift one another and that only helps progress, it doesn’t diminish it. Her uplifting the work of all of the women up there with her was her being a true People’s Champion.  What advice would you give to brands to encourage them to speak about Black history and its contribution to society all year long, versus just during the month of February?  To start doing just that, call on and prioritize Black people and creators all year long, not just in February.  Brand Campaigns What campaigns have you been a part of?  So many now, which I’m very grateful for. I was the face of Cocokind’s Chia Seed Bounce Mask in 2022, I did a shoot for International Women’s Day in 2022 for a brand I truly wear and love, Only NY, and in 2021 I was a part of a campaign with other Native people for UOMA Beauty.  What was your favourite one or most viral piece of content? Why? Favorites for me are always difficult, and always changing. Right now I’d say my video on Tiktok where I stitched the woman who was flying out of the Martha’s Vineyard Airport. It’s currently been seen by over 2.4 million people and I’m proud of the way I was able to gracefully bring to people’s awareness that there is a Native Presence on the island.  Dream collaborations - what would be your dream brand(s) to work with? Why?  Working with brands and bringing Afro Indigenous visibility to the forefront is important to me but right now my biggest dream is to collaborate with the state of Massachusetts to see that the land in holding on Chappaquiddick Island is returned to its original stewards, the Chappaquiddick Wampanoag. What inspired you to write a book? There isn’t much literature about AND by Indigenous peoples. It’s so important to me to pass on the knowledge my Ma passed down to me and have something authored by us.  Do you have plans to write another book? If yes, what would you like to write about?  I’m currently writing two! At the same time. My plate is a bit full of writing. I’m working on both a non-fiction book that will be somewhat personal and detail the true history of Martha’s Vineyard and a children’s book that follows a Chappaquiddick Wampanoag girl with Penguin. What do you love the most about what you do? I love and am so grateful to be in charge of my own work. I don’t answer to a superior and feel that on the creative projects I’m a part of my inner child has the space to run.  What content / personal challenges have you come across and how have you overcome them? Too many to list. Right now I’m working through one of the biggest personal challenges ever, losing my Ma. I’m allowing myself to honor and feel my grief, and am grateful that one of my projects, my book, serves as another outlet to move through that journey. Follow Kara on Instagram and TikTok for more great content. Stay tuned for our upcoming monthly Viral Nation Talent Spotlights!