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Benefits of an Effective Email Marketing Campaign

By: Viral Nation | 4 mins read |
Although email marketing has been around for a long time, it’s one of the most effective forms of digital marketing to help you build brand awareness, connect with your customers, encourage loyalty and nurture leads. Despite the widespread belief that email marketing is outdated, it remains an effective marketing strategy because it can help convert leads into customers and establish a personal connection with your audience. Personalizing your messages in email marketing gives you the edge to get the attention of your potential customers. Everyone loves personalization! Here is your beginner’s guide to creating an effective email marketing campaign to drive conversion rates and increase sales. 

What is email marketing?

It’s quite simple really: it involves sending messages to potential customers or existing customers to promote various products or services, including offers, discounts and new releases. As you expand your offerings and become more digitized, you might be turning to new and innovative ways to market your services and products. According to Oberlo, over 300 billion emails are sent every day. This means that email marketing can be very effective for businesses as it can reach a large audience quickly. Not only is email marketing useful in driving conversions and increasing sales, but it’s also an effective channel for B2B and B2C companies to build brand awareness and grow customer loyalty. 

When to use email marketing

You should use email marketing to reach out to people who already know who you are, as this channel allows you to build a captive audience. Your target group includes site visitors, potential customers and those who subscribe to your updates. Here’s an easy list of when best to use email marketing:
  • To build personalized engagement with your audience
  • To boost brand awareness by keeping your company and services top-of-mind
  • To promote content by sharing relevant blog posts or assets
  • To sell an asset to potential customers in exchange for their personal information to generate leads
  • To market your new or existing products or services
  • To nurture leads by providing them with content that can help them achieve their goals or fit their needs
  • To showcase your expertise by sharing valuable information

Benefits of email marketing

Email marketing can be very effective in helping you drive more traffic to your website and nurture leads through the buying cycle by providing consumers with valuable information. Below we outlined some of the major benefits of email marketing campaigns.

Email marketing reaches a larger audience

As of now, there are 7.9 billion email accounts worldwide. Majority of people have an email. And the majority of companies now require you to provide your email address to access their assets. This email is your first point of contact between you and the brand.  What’s the first thing you do when you sit down at your desk before starting the work day? Check your email, probably. With one email campaign, you can reach a massive audience and provide them with valuable information about your company. Whether it’s a new blog post, an ongoing promotion, or new product features, being able to send one mass email to your audience has extreme benefits. In addition, there are many platforms available to show you how many people opened your email and actually clicked through it, providing you with a list of people (and their contact information) of interested customers to reach out to.

Email marketing has a better conversion rate

Most marketers are focused on converting leads into paying customers. Regardless of what methods you use to do so, that’s the goal of all marketers. But now let’s try leveraging email marketing! The average click-through rate on an email campaign is around 3%, while that rate is only 0.5% on Twitter. This means that people who are subscribers to your email list are more likely to click through to your website and are more likely to interact with you through email. Again, email marketing is highly measurable. With campaign monitoring tools, users can analyze various metrics such as opens, clicks, social shares and bounce rates. You are clearly able to see what your email campaign strengths and weaknesses are to only get better results with every email campaign to come. 

Email marketing yields higher ROI

While we know that email is the best channel for converting leads into paying customers, it also yields higher ROI. Email marketing generates an average return on investment of around 3,800%. Why is this the case? Email marketing allows you to deliver highly relevant and personalized messages. Unlike social media platforms, which only send status updates to followers based on their location, interests and purchase history, email allows users to be hyper-targeted for every campaign. You should use dynamic content and segmentation to deliver the right message to your subscribers. Doing so would enable you to determine, for example, the gender of the potential customers and their geographic location so you could send out personalized promotions to your segmented audience.

Email marketing builds loyalty

An easy way to show your current customers you care about them, while building loyalty, is to send them special offers or topics they are interested in via email. This is a great way to show appreciation for their support, which can help you improve your click-through rates and keep your subscribers. Besides sharing special offers, email marketing is extremely useful when you want to re-engage with idle customers who you haven’t heard from in a while or to maintain a healthy relationship with a customer that just made a purchase. Follow up emails should be a key part of your email marketing strategy because it really shows your customers you care about them and took the time out of your day to reach out to them again. Another great way to build loyalty! Email marketing is a powerful tool that you can use to establish direct and personal relationships with your customers, which can result in higher sales and customer satisfaction. Today, there are so many different email marketing tools you can use to create an email marketing campaign. Remember to use a personalized and effective campaign design that will allow you to stand out from your competition and really resonate with your audience.